Thursday, January 21, 2010

A list of 10 random things about myself. I realize my intro was not as Unicorn Fancy as Ms. C's but here goes...

1)I have a near borderline obsession with Morrissey. This is one of my favorite movies:

This is a photo I took of a closet door in my last apartment:

2)Old buildings. I love them. I love thinking about what happened there, who lived there etc. My preference is old mental hospitals/asylums. I've done a bit of traveling to visit some. Sadly, I did not get to see my Holy Grail. That would be Danvers State Hospital. Amazing architecture. Torn down and turned into condos.
These are from Richmond State Hospital in NE Indiana:
Patient room in basement
Early electrshock machine
This tunnel was pretty much the last stop. There are hooks on the walls. And not to hang your hat on.

3)I paid part of my grad school tuition by working as an assistant to a Dominatrix.
It was completely not sexual for me but the money was amazing. Plus it never fails to amaze me the shit that people are into. Also, my natural hair color is blonde. Ha.

4)I read a lot.

5)My first job was at Dairy Queen. I was fired on my first day b/c I could not make change fast enough.

6)My friends and I have weird birthday traditions:

7)When I thought I could change the world.
Indiana University School of Social Work.

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