Friday, March 19, 2010

On my way to work this morning traffic had to stop b/c out of no where all these fire trucks are zooming down Washington St. They all stop in front of the Harrison College/Chef's Academy. The next thing I see is all these chef people, complete with white shirts and caps, come running out of the building.

Even in the midst of a building possibly burning down I am able to giggle. Plus I wonder what sort of grade the person who started the fire will get for the semester.

Never fear though. The universe saw fit to laugh at me when my ice water flipped out of the cup holder and dumped all over the seat.

Also, I am pretty sure I am going to start using the excuse --I'm a child of divorce!!-- to explain away all my issues. Fuck trying to figure it out logically.

I finally finally got Precious from the library. I haven't started it yet. I will tell you why. I have been waiting on the new Sue Grafton book to finally be on audio. Which took 3 months. I have quite the obsession with Kinsey Millhone. Don't judge me. Anyway. I am nearly done with that. I want to be able to completely focus on Precious.

Listen. This is funny. Both April Flores (and everyone knows I feel about her) AND my 5th grade teacher confirmed me as a friend on FB. This is the teacher who taught be the joy that is SciFi and creepy ass movies. As in the more something scares you--the better it is. She also played the Beach Boys a lot and was probably a lesbian. Hurrah. So you figure out why I equate that with being in lust with April Flores.

NAMI meeting tonight. Sigh. 5 more classes I think.

Friday I get new hairs color. Finally. I got brown/blonde the last time b/c keeping the pink/red up is a pain and gets expensive. I just feel odd with how my hair is now. So back I go.


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