Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So fell asleep at 530 and just woke up. I enjoyed every minute of it. I gave blood today and I think it messed me up. I cannot get rid of this headache and keep clenching my jaws. Not to mention my toe is killing me. Every time I do not pay attention to it being broken I trip or do something stupid to make it hurt more. Sign me up for the orthopedic shoes now.

Android's dad stopped by my work. He had various issues with his unemployment benefits transferring from Indiana to Ohio. I got him set up with that and sent him on his way. He then met Android for lunch. I secretly was not in a family mood. He is usually the good in-law but I am not putting myself in any situations to lose control of my feelings about things in this family. Especially since it is not like he could do anything to make it better.

I made three cards and got them mailed. Two to Jenny and Patrick for their birthdays and one to my sister who is just in a mood from various incidents involving my nephews. Patrick is in Scotland for something so who knows when he will be home to actually get his card. I thought it would be nice for when he gets back though.

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