Sunday, April 12, 2009

Downtown Indianapolis

Cookies I made for Principal's Day. No one ate them b/c they thought they looked "odd"...kinda like me I suppose. They taste like spritz cookies.

I took this of Andy. He reminds me of Huck Finn or something equally hillybilly-ish.

So far Easter has been less then thrilling. One of the teachers at work made me some kugel and brisket which was awesome. Not as good as my grandma's...but nothing is. It's weird no matter how old I get Passover/Easter still gives me the creeps. I mean there are a few differences between Jewish Passover and Christian Easter. Zombie Jesus being the number one of course. I've never understood coloring eggs or egg hunts. I know I went to a few with non-Jewish friends when I was younger. I've just always been disurbed by all the lamb's blood references in regards to Easter. Since I married Andy most of the holidays I've celebrated have been of Christian tradition. They don't ignore the Jewish side but it makes me think about all the traditions I've either forgotten or never really understood about being Jewish.

So that is all for today.

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